Saturday, July 30, 2022

Little Girl in Heaven.


Little Girl in Heaven


Once upon a time, a young girl was playing by herself on the ground.

From above, God and his angels noticed this young child, and God sent an angel to take her to heaven.

As the angel carried the young girl above, the road was filled by flowers, the doorway was magnified by a golden arch, and the entire entry was lined with gold.

As she was being led on, she saw a white horse that was so brilliantly dazzling that it was sipping water from a river, and the water in the river was like lightning silver.

There were other horses getting ready for battle as well; they were all fairly large and powerful and came in all different forms.

As the little girl was being taken on, she saw a great number of people who were joyfully preparing food for everyone, worshiping God the Father, who was seated on the golden throne, and dancing and singing.

And there were also some little kids playing and running around.

After observing all that was happening, the young girl asked the angel, what is this place called?

"Is this the heaven mentioned in the Bible, where Jesus promised to take us?" The angel nodding his head replied that it is known as the "House of God".

[ In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and I will take you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also. - John 14:2-3]

After that, the young girl started dancing happily and ran all over the place.

Here comes the young girl's mother now to wake her up from her nap, and as she approaches, she notices the girl's cheerful smile. After she woke up from sleep, her mother asks the little child, what were you dreaming that made you smile? So, this little girl tells what she saw in her dream to her mother and her mom feels happy and gives her a hug and kiss.

Although the young girl later recognized that the entire experience had been a dream, it had been so vivid that she had honestly believed she had visited heaven and seen all of those things in person.

After her visit to heaven, where God is, she has been overjoyed and enthusiastic all day.


One Sunday in Church.

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